For å se mine Magnolia kreasjoner fra ´09 + ´10 + ´11
- trykk her -
ProMarker kort og kreasjoner 09,10,11, 12, 13
Her kommer de for 2013
her kommer de for 2012
Her er de aller fleste av mine ProMarker´s kort for 2011
(scroll nedover for å se de fra 2010 og 2009)

I've put together most of my Promarkers-card from 2009 and 2010:
- trykk her -
ProMarker kort og kreasjoner 09,10,11, 12, 13
Her kommer de for 2013
her kommer de for 2012
Her er de aller fleste av mine ProMarker´s kort for 2011
(scroll nedover for å se de fra 2010 og 2009)

I've put together most of my Promarkers-card from 2009 and 2010:
I've used the insides of toilet rolls (!!)
using this for crafting is actually quite common in Norway hehe :)
I've made myself a storage for my favourite ProMarkers
(the ones I use alllll the time)
the rest is storaged in clearbags :)
And I've decorated my Promarkers-storage with some of my favourite Magnolia's
this is the backside (had to decorate it as well)
the other side, "mummy to be" and "boychild"
I've used white painting and crackle paint on the edges
along with flowers and ribbons
Had to use Stickles Glitter Glue and Glossy Accent as well :) hehe
so sweet
The front ... ready for use
Thank you for visiting - hope I didn't loose you along with all these photo's